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Children, who were in ABC school in Davao during its years of operation, peeping through the cracks of their house

Children, who were in ABC school in Davao during its years of operation

peeping through the cracks of their house

Anne Perron, from Tennessee, USA, with children in ABC school in Binalbagen, Philippines

Anne Perron, from Tennessee, USA, with children in ABC school in Binalbagen, Philippines

Beth and Irv Silver, from Orlando US, visit their sponsored child in Bacolod, Philippines

Beth and Irv Silver, from Orlando US visit their sponsored child in Bacolod, Philippines

Enjoying activities in ABC School in Binalbagan, Philippines

Enjoying activities in ABC School in Binalbagan, Philippines

Prints of Hope from the US build a house for a student and her mother in Manapla, Philippines

Gudrun Margret Pallsdottir, from Iceland, chairman of ABC International, visiting families in the Philippines

Gudrun Margret Pallsdottir, from Iceland, chairman of ABC International visiting families in the Philippines

Steve and Anne Perron, from the US visit their sponsored child in his house

Getting Ready to go to School; a student in an ABC school in the Philippines

Getting Ready to go to School a student in an ABC school in the Philippines


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