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Binalbagan School

Binalbagan School

In 2011 a pre-school was started in Conmoros, Binalbagan upon the request of the community leaders. With regular visits to Binalbagan, ABC staff noticed that a lot of teenagers do not go to school in this community.

After talking to community leaders, parents and even some young people, it was known that after they finish elementary school, which is right in the middle of their community, students have to travel a little distance to attend high school. Since this is a community of low income non-skilled workers and many do not have jobs, parents could not afford to pay for all the expenses involved in sending their children to high school so they had to be pulled out of school.

After realizing the desperation of these families and the desire of the young people to receive more education, in 2012 ABC started 1st year high school to cater to the needs of the community. In 2013 and 2014 2nd and 3rd year high school levels were added and ABC intends to add next level in 2015. Currently 122 students are enrolled in this school in all levels.