Faisalabad School
Closed Due to Financial Constraints
ABC school in Faisalabad is located in the outskirts of the main city in an industrial area. Parents and guardians of the children in ABC school live in dire financial constraints and are unable to provide for the formal education of their children. In most cases, where they have some type of job, mothers work in the homes as domestic helpers with very little compensation and fathers work as laborers on daily wages in factories. Work for the fathers is not guaranteed, whenever there is work to be done, they are hired otherwise they go without a job. In this situation, parents are grateful to ABC for providing an opportunity for their children to receive a formal education. Without this opportunity, most of these children would end up working in similar conditions as their parents but as child laborers. Even though the conditions in a rented building are not ideal for a school, the children and their parents are grateful to ABC for providing such a wonderful opportunity to receive an education. Close to 250 children study in this school from grades 1 to 7.
In an ideal situation, ABC would like to keep this school to grade level 5 and when students complete their levels here, they should be moved to the boarding school in Machike. Due to lack of funds, space and facilities in the boarding school, ABC Pakistan had to accommodate these students in their current school. As the situation improves, Faisalabad School will roll back to grade level 5.
In best case scenario it would be desirable to have ABC’s own school building. ABC school in Faisalabad is one of the ABC schools where none of the students are sponsored. ABC Pakistan was operating this school under a lot of financial constraints and at times it was very difficult to provide even the bare necessities.
- Faisalabad School Gate
- Students Don’t Mind Sharing a Plate
- Students Enjoying a Meal
- Students in Their Clasroom
- You Can See How Happy She is Being in School