“We are updating our sponsorship page on our website and want to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are giving information of the children manually and since you have already decided to sponsor a child, please follow these steps:
1. Go to the donate button and when you click, it will take you to the PayPal account.
2. You can make a monthly, recurring, payment pledge of the amount and specify the name of the child you are sponsoring.
3. You can also send us an email with the information of your child and we will update it on the site as soon as possible.
4. To request a profile of a child, please send an email at, infochildrensaid@gmail.com and you can also specify age group, gender or grade level you prefer.
As soon as our sponsorship page is up and running, we will update the information and hopefully you will have an account for your child and be able to check the progress from time to time.”
Sorry for the Inconvenience,
The Management