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Joseph Colony School

Joseph Colony School

Closed Due to Financial Constraints

Joseph Colony is a community of poverty stricken families which cannot afford the luxury of sending their children to school. ABC school has been operating in Joseph Colony from last many years and it is located right in the center of the residential area and it is run in a rented building. It is very difficult for women to find suitable jobs therefore only men go out and work as laborers in surrounding factories or as sweepers and cleaners on the streets. Work in the factories is unpredictable because it is based on the work load and many times these men have to go without having anything to do. Though sweeping and cleaning is a regular job, the wages are very low and with such income, education for children becomes a low priority. Education is the only way out from this deprived life for next generation and that is what ABC wants to give to these children through this school. There are over 120 children studying in this school.

This school was being run up to grade level 8 but in an ideal situation, this school should run only up to grade level 5 and when students complete their levels here, they should be moved to the boarding school in Machike. Due to lack of funds, space and facilities in the boarding school, ABC Pakistan had to accommodate these students in their current school.